RESCHEDULED (due to weather) Open House and Meet & Greet with Rob

Due to the impending inclement weather forecasted for this weekend, we are going to be cancelling the meet and greet with Rob on Sunday February 16th. We know it’s disappointing, but we do not want to risk anyone’s safety.

The meet and greet will now be held next Saturday, February 22 at 1 pm. We will be delivering our “Get out the Vote” door hangers that day so people are welcome to stick around and help if able.

If you would still like to participate in a phone bank session this Saturday or Sunday afternoon February 15 & 16, you can call the campaign office at (548) 889-5719, contact campaign manager Jake at (519) 239-7592 or contact us via the campaign email at and we will arrange to provide you with a list of numbers to call.